This blog operates on the presupposition that the way we dress and the way we act are related. For example, people who dress casually tend to behave casually and people who dress formally tend to behave formally.
It could be that attire is, in part, responsible for behavior. Or it could be that people who are already disposed toward a particular style of behavior choose a corresponding style of attire. A still further possibility is that some third factor impels individuals toward a mutually supportive attire and behavior. The point for the time being is not to decide this question. In all likelihood, it will vary from case to case and, in some instances, no correlation whatsoever will be had.
Still, there seems to be some connection between what we put on and how we act. This blog, then, among other things, will concern itself with fashion not so much as an avenue of self-expression or as an art form, but as a vehicle for facilitating open, respectful, and authentic relations with other people.